Teaching Humane Existence


Located in Denver, Colorado, Teaching Humane Existence (T.H.E.) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization providing community-based sex offense-specific treatment for adults convicted of sexual offenses and court-ordered to attend treatment. Our mission is:

“To provide a safe and therapeutic environment in which clients engage in the change process, promote accountability, improve dimensions of wellness, and foster community safety.”


Our Philosophy

Teaching Humane Existence (T.H.E.) is an intensive outpatient treatment program for adult sex offenders. T.H.E. uses evidenced-based therapies which assist sex offenders in identifying and changing maladaptive thoughts and behavior patterns. With the guidance of experienced, licensed professionals, the therapeutic community milieu, and peer support, our clients learn accountability and self management, which enhances community safety and improves the totality of their lives.

 © Teaching Humane Existence 2019. All rights reserved.